
  • Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal

    Journal Title        : Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal
    ISSN                     : E-ISSN: 2774-9398 (online) / P-ISSN: 2502-3578 (print)
    DOI Prefix           : Prefix 10.55656 by Crossref
    Editor in Chief    : Frenky Mubarok, M.Ud
    Handling Editor  : Muhamad Rizka Saomi, M.Pd.I
    Publisher             : LPPM Institut Agama Islam   Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Indramayu
    Frequency           : 2 issues per year (June and December)

    Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal (E-ISSN : 2774-9398 P-ISSN 2502-3578 ) is a journal of the Islamic Study published twice a year, published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Instutut Agama Islam Pangeran Dharma Kusuma  Indramayu.

    Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal publishes empirically grounded and multidisciplinary work on Islam and its related issues, spanning the history, Quranic studies, Exegesis, tradition, education, dakwah, politics, sufism, philosophy, Islamic manuscripts, Islamic economics and finance, social movements, ritual and philanthropy.

    Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal has become a CrossRef Member since the year 2022. Therefore, all articles published by Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal will have a unique DOI number. DOI:

  • Jurnal Pendidikan Educandum

    Journal Title        : Jurnal Pendidikan Educandum
    ISSN                     : P-ISSN: 2528-3499 , E-ISSN: 3032-5684
    DOI Prefix           : Prefix 10.55656 by Crossref
    Editor in Chief    : Frenky Muarok, M.Ud
    Handling Editor  : Muasromatul Azizah, M.Pd.I
    Publisher             : Fakultas Pendidikan Institut Agama Islam Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Indramayu
    Frequency           : 2 issues per year (June and December)

    Jurnal Pendidikan Educandum (P-ISSN: 2528-3499 , E-ISSN: 3032-5684) is a peer-review journal published by Department of Islamic Education,  IAI PDK Indramayu, twice a year on January and July. The focus of journal is Islamic education studies, and the scopes of journal are: 1. Student competency of Islamic Education in Elementari School, Junior School, and High School; 2. Learning strategies of Islamic Education; 3. Conceptual ideas, theory, and practice of Islamic Education; 4. Study and application theory of Islamic Education; 5. Learning development and design in Islamic Education; 6. The professionalisme teacher/lecture of Islamic Education; 7. Critical thinking of Islamic Education; and 8. The results of Islamic education and teaching research.

  • Jurnal Tasyri' : Jurnal Muamalah dan Ekonomi Syariah

    Jurnal Tasyri' : Jurnal Muamalah dan Ekonomi Syariah (P-ISSN: 2528-567X) is a scientific journal  that published by Faculity of Economi and Islamic Law, Institut Agama Islam Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Segeran Indramayu, twice a year on January and July. The journal will focus on providing quality research in the areas of Islamic economics and mu'amalah. Specifically, the journal will deal with topics, including (but not limited to): Islamic economics law, Islamic banking law, Islamic finance law, Islamic accounting law, Islamic microfinance law, Zakah, waqf, and philantrophy.

  • Wulang: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

    WJP (Wulang Pendidikan Guru Madarasah Ibtidaiyah) is a journal published in the Study Program of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education at Institut Agama Islam Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Segeran Indramayu. This journal is published twice a year in June and December. Furthermore, this journal is published in two versions, namely print and online. The focus of this journal contains articles concerning research on Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education / Primary / Islamic Elementary School (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) / Elementary School (Sekolah Dasar) Teacher Education, such as competency analysis, learning strategies, learning theory, learning development, and educator professionalism. Reviewers will review any submitted paper. Review process employs a double-blind review.

    In this type of peer review, the author does not know who the reviewers are. It is the most common form of peer review among science journals. WJP publishes quality articles and gives positive results to scientific development related to the journal focus.

    You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the Article Template and Carefully read the submission guidelines. Submit your paper in English or Bahasa Indonesia. If you have problems with the journal, please contact us at

  • Iftitah: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini

    Journal Title        : Iftitah: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini (IJIPIAUD)
    ISSN                    : 2714-6812
    DOI Prefix           : Prefix 10.55656 by Crossref
    Editor in Chief    : Frenky Mubarok, M.Ud
    Handling Editor  : Muhamad Rizka Saomi, M.Pd.I
    Publisher             : Prodi PIAUD - IAI Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Indramayu
    Frequency           : 2 issues per year (June and December)

    Correspondence concerning the journal should be addressed to the Chief Editor. IJIPIAUD welcomes authoritative, original, ably illustrated, and well-written manuscripts on any topic and scope of Islamic Early Childhood Education that relevant and related to Indonesian cases as well as others areas in the world. The Journal publishes Articles, Opinion Papers, Comments/Responses and Corrections.