Jurnal Pendidikan Educandum https://ojs.staisdharma.ac.id/index.php/jpe <p><strong>Jurnal Pendidikan Educandum </strong>(P-ISSN: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1470065778">2528-3499</a>, E-ISSN: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20240130452207657">3032-5684</a>) is a peer-review journal published by the Department of Islamic Education, IAI PDK Indramayu, twice a year in January and July. The focus of the journal is Islamic education studies, and the scopes of journal are: 1. Student competency of Islamic Education in Elementari School, Junior School, and High School; 2. Learning strategies of Islamic Education; 3. Conceptual ideas, theory, and practice of Islamic Education; 4. Study and application theory of Islamic Education; 5. Learning development and design in Islamic Education; 6. The professional teacher/lecture of Islamic Education; 7. Critical thinking of Islamic Education; and 8. The results of Islamic education research.</p> Fakultas Pendidikan IAI Pangeran Dharma Indramayu en-US Jurnal Pendidikan Educandum 2528-3499 Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Basic Learning (PBL) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PAI Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas IV SDN Gendro 2 Tutur Pasuruan https://ojs.staisdharma.ac.id/index.php/jpe/article/view/301 <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan oleh guru pada pembelajaran PAI kelas IV di SDN Gendro 2 Tutur masih terlihat konvensional. Masih dapat dijumpai cara menyampaikan bahan pelajaran semata. Model pembelajaran seperti ini, guru biasanya berdiri di depan kelas, menghadapi sejumlah siswa dan menjelaskan isi pelajaran. Siswa pada umumnya duduk dengan rapi mendengarkan penjelasan guru dan mencatat jika perlu. Perilaku siswa adalah duduk, dengar, catat, dan hafalan. Situasi kelas pada proses pembelajaran seperti ini bersifat pasif dan verbalistis. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan sebagai solusi adalah model pembelajaran <em>problem basic learning</em> (PBL). Dengan model pembelajaran <em>problem basic learning</em> siswa akan diajak untuk berfikir kritis atas suatu permasalahan dan berupaya mencari jawaban atas permasalah tersebut sehingga siswa akan menjadi aktif dalam pembelajaran PAI.</p> <p>Berdasarkan pemaparan latar belakang di atas, dapat dirumuskan beberapa permasalahan sebagai berikut: Bagaimana penerapan Model Pembelajaran <em>Problem Basic Learning</em> (PBL) dalam pembelajaran PAI, Bagaimana peningkatan hasil belajar PAI Kurikulum Merdeka setelah diterapkan Model Pembelajaran <em>Problem Basic Learning</em> (PBL) .Bagaimana kelebihan dan kelemahan penerapan Model Pembelajaran <em>Problem Basic Learning</em> (PBL) untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar PAI Kelas IV di SDN Gendro 2 Tutur Kabupaten Pasuruan?</p> <p>Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Penerapan model PBL dalam pembelajaran PAI sebagai berikut: mengorientasikan siswa terhadap masalah, mengatur pembelajaran siswa, memberikan bimbingan penyelidikan individu dan kelompok, mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil kerja, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses pemecahan masalah. Hasil belajar PAI mengalami peningkatan. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan prosentase hasil nilai individu siswa dengan ketuntasan sebesar 78% atau sebanyak 18 siswa dengan rata-rata kelas 77, dengan nilai sebelumnya hanya tuntas 12 siswa (52%). 3) Kelebihan dalam PBL adalah kesesuaian dengan kurikulum merdeka yang digunakan sekolah, termasuk sarana dan prasarana multimedia, kreativitas guru, dan kondisi lingkungan. Sedangkan kekurangan dari penggunaan model PBL ini adalah sulitnya membangkitkan ide siswa dan waktu yang terbatas.</p> <p>Adapun saran dalam penelitian yaitu pengelolaan kelas yang baik dan penggunaan model atau metode pembelajaran yang kooperatif dan inovatif akan dapat mencapai kualitas hasil belajar yang maksimal serta memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk berperan aktif dalam proses belajar mengajar</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong><strong>Model Pembelajaran</strong><strong>, </strong><strong>Hasil Belajar, dan PAI</strong></p> NUR ROHMAN Mat Syaifi Copyright (c) 2025 Nur Rohman, Mat Syaifi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 5 1 46 56 10.55656/jpe.v5i1.301 Manajemen Pondok Berbasis Karakter Pendidikan Agama Islam https://ojs.staisdharma.ac.id/index.php/jpe/article/view/296 <p>One of the environments that allows the formation of professional attitudes in students is the boarding school. In the boarding school, students will be introduced to the habits and noble values ​​related to the profession they want to form. Through the regulations that are prepared and implemented by and for themselves and under the guidance of the caregivers, they will know, internalize, and ultimately practice these values ​​later when they enter society. Considering how important the role of the boarding school is, especially in forming attitudes for students, the boarding school needs to be planned, organized and evaluated continuously by involving the boarding school personnel under the coordination of the head of the boarding school. Based on the description above, the focus of this study is the motivation of Educators in learning the boarding school model based on character and Islamic Religious Education, as well as the planning of the boarding school based on character and Islamic Religious Education, and the strategy for implementing character building values ​​in the boarding school based on Islamic Religious Education. therefore to see How is the motivation of Educators in learning the character-based dormitory model and Islamic Religious Education in Education at the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School Equivalency (PKPPS) Miftachul Ulum, and How is the planning of the character-based dormitory and Islamic Religious Education and How is the strategy for implementing character building values ​​in the Islamic Religious Education-based dormitory in the Islamic boarding school.</p> Satunggale Kurniawan Muhammad Afifi Rahman Yuventius Sugiarno Copyright (c) 2025 Satunggale Kurniawan, Muhammad Afifi Rahman, Yuventius Sugiarno https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 5 1 1 16 10.55656/jpe.v5i1.296 MANAGEMENT OF ARAB LANGUAGE LEARNING PROGRAMME https://ojs.staisdharma.ac.id/index.php/jpe/article/view/351 <p>Learning programme management is a very important part for every institution in starting and running programmes in the institution because the success of the Arabic language programme depends on the strength of programme management in the institution. Arabic language learning programme management includes elements of planning, organisation, implementation, assessment and supervision. All are organised and designed as well as possible to match the Arabic language learning objectives that the institution already wants. However, in this article, the researcher is more focused on examining the management of planning and implementation as well as the factors that hinder and support it. This study aims to describe the process of planning and implementing the Arabic language learning programme that is currently running at SMAIT AL Fikri school as well as the factors that support and hinder the process of running Arabic language learning at the school. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection was done by interview and direct observation techniques to the principal, teachers, language team and students studying at SMAIT AL Fikri Pekanbaru. The results of this research are1) The school has made a good Arabic learning plan, 2) the implementation of ongoing learning is good but not optimal because it is still not supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure.</p> Rika Noverma Hakmi Wahyudi Agustiar Agustiar Copyright (c) 2025 Rika Noverma, Hakmi Wahyudi, Agustiar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 5 1 17 28 10.55656/jpe.v5i1.351 Comparative study between Arabic language textbooks published by Toha Putra and Tiga Serangkai for junior high school students in the 2013 curriculum based on national education standards https://ojs.staisdharma.ac.id/index.php/jpe/article/view/350 <p>The background to this research is that textbooks are a medium for realizing learning objectives. Textbooks are teaching materials that play an important role in the learning process. The aim of this research is to determine the quality of Arabic textbooks published by Toha Putra and Tiga Serangkai. The sample in this research was an Arabic language textbook for class VIII junior high school students. Data collection techniques are conducting literature studies, processing data, presenting data and providing interpretation. Data analysis uses qualitative data analysis techniques. The research results are as follows: Books published by Toha Putra show content quality of 91.67%, presentation of 79.16%, language of 75%, and graphics of 94%. Meanwhile, books published by Tiga Serangkai show content quality of 95.83%, presentation of 81.94%, language of 100%, and graphics of 93.51%. Based on the comparison carried out on each component of textbook suitability, the book published by Toha Putra is only superior in the graphic aspect. Meanwhile, for the other three aspects (content, presentation, and language), the textbooks published by the triad are superior to the Toha Putra textbooks. In general, the overall percentage of the two textbooks is the textbook published by Toha Putra 89.29% (very good), and the textbook published by Tiga Serangkai 92.34% (Excellent).</p> Ainul Mardhiyah Copyright (c) 2025 Ainul Mardhiyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 5 1 29 45 10.55656/jpe.v5i1.350 Pengaruh Keterampilan Guru Kelas Terhadap Efektifitas Belajar Siswa Kelas 2 SDN Jatisura 1 Kecamatan Cikedung Kabupaten Indramayu https://ojs.staisdharma.ac.id/index.php/jpe/article/view/310 <p>This study aims to analyze the impact of classroom teacher skills on the learning effectiveness of second-grade students at SDN Jatisura 1, Cikedung District, Indramayu Regency. The research method employed is a survey involving 30 students and one classroom teacher. The results indicate that the teacher's skills in teaching, including classroom management, media utilization, and varied teaching techniques, positively contribute to student learning outcomes. Students who rated their teacher's skills positively tend to have better learning outcomes compared to those who rated their teacher's skills as average or poor. These findings emphasize the importance of enhancing teacher skills to improve learning effectiveness at the elementary education level. Therefore, teacher training programs should focus on relevant skill enhancement.</p> Tatik Tatik Sumarta Sumarta Copyright (c) 2025 Tatik, Sumarta https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 5 1 57 70 10.55656/jpe.v5i1.310