Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal
<p><strong>Khulasah: Islamic Studies Journal</strong> (E-ISSN: <a href="">2774-9398</a> P-ISSN <a href="">2502-3578</a> ) is a journal of the Islamic Study published twice a year, published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Institut Agama Islam Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Indramayu.</p> <p><strong>Khulasah: Islamic Studies Journal</strong> publishes empirically grounded and multidisciplinary work on Islam and its related issues, spanning history, Quranic studies, Exegesis, tradition, education, dawah, politics, Sufism, philosophy, Islamic manuscripts, Islamic economics and finance, social movements, ritual, and philanthropy.</p> <p><strong>Khulasah: Islamic Studies Journal</strong> has become a CrossRef Member since 2022. Therefore, all articles published by Khulasah Islamic Studies Journal will have a unique DOI number. DOI:</p>LPPM IAI Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Segeran Indramayuen-USKhulasah : Islamic Studies Journal2502-3578HAK WARIS ISTRI DARI HARTA BAWAAN SUAMI PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM DI INDONESIA
<p><em>This research is motivated by the absence of clear discussion in the Al-Qur'an or hadith regarding the provisions on the wife's inheritance rights from inherited property that are implemented in Kampa District, Kampar Regency, meanwhile this tradition has become a problem in society, such as the birth of conflict, damage to social relations and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to review in depth the provisions on the wife's inheritance rights from inherited assets in Kampa District so that we can find out scientifically about how to implement the wife's inheritance rights from inherited assets, the reasons for how to distribute inherited assets and the view of Islamic law regarding how to distribute The wife's inheritance rights from inherited assets in Kampa District, Kampar Regency. This research is field research using qualitative descriptive research methods. The sample used in this research was 15 people, consisting of traditional leaders, community leaders, religious leaders and ordinary people, using the Purposive Sampling Method. From the research results, it can be understood that the wife's inheritance rights from inherited assets in the traditional provisions of Kampa District, Kampar Regency stipulate that the wife's inheritance rights from inherited assets are obtained by the family of the husband who dies, while his children and wife do not have inheritance rights to the inherited assets. The reason for this provision is because in the view of the people of Kampa District, Kampar Regency, when a man is not married, the one who looks after him, guarantees his life and is responsible for him is his family, while when a man is married he is usually more inclined to support his wife's family than his own family, because according to custom Kampa District, Kampar Regency, when a boy marries he will live with his wife's family. Judging from Islamic law, the customary provisions regarding the wife's inheritance rights from inherited property in Kampa District, Kampar Regency are a benefit based on mutual agreement. However, in practice, the wife's inheritance rights from inherited assets in the customs of Kampa District, Kampar Regency are contrary to Islamic inheritance law.</em></p>Muhammad Ridha
Copyright (c) 2025 Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal
2025-02-072025-02-077111610.55656/kisj.v7i1.270ANALISIS PUTUSAN PENGADIKAN AGAMA PEKANBARU NOMOR 2189/pdt.g./2022/PA.pbr. TENTANG HAK ASUH ANAK YANG BELUM MUMAYYIZ
<p><em>This research was motivated by the decision of the Pekanbaru Religious Court judge regarding the custody of children who have not yet been mumayyiz by their father in Article 105 a jo Article 156 KHI which shows that there is a discrepancy with the compilation of Islamic law. Apart from that, the decision of the Pekanbaru Religious Court judge is also influenced by the legal sources used and considering the benefit of the child. Therefore, this research focuses on analyzing the PA decision Number 2189/Pdt.G/2022/PA.Pbr regarding custody of children who are not yet mumayyiz, the fundamental objective of this research is to analyze the PA decision Number 2189/Pdt.G /2022/PA.Pbr regarding custody of children who are not yet mumayyiz, where the method used in this research is qualitative in the form of normative juridical research, in this case namely the Compilation of Islamic Law, the data collection method is through literature study, while the data analysis technique is through study analysis, presenting it as a fact that can be drawn as a conclusion. From the results of the research conducted by the author, it can be concluded that religious court judges in deciding a case are not only based on the applicable formal law. In this case, a young child still does not know what is good for him, the child still needs the presence of other people to help handle his affairs and provide care for him, namely by bestowing goodness and preventing him from dangers, the panel of judges in deciding decision Number 2189/Pdt.G/2022/PA.Pbr is in the interests of the child himself, because the child has a closer emotional relationship with the father, and the father has the ability and ability to care for the child, so in this case the father He is indeed more entitled to receive custody.</em></p>Hendri Rinaldi
Copyright (c) 2025 Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal
2025-02-072025-02-0771173910.55656/kisj.v7i1.271METODE MA’NA CUM MAGHZA DALAM MEMAHAMI AYAT-AYAT DZIKIR
<p><em>The essence of human creation is to worship and serve Allah. In addition to prayer, many forms of worship lead humans to continually depend on Allah SWT, one of which is dhikr. Dhikr is a form of worship that can be performed anytime and anywhere without any hindrance. While prayer may be obstructed by several factors, this does not apply to dhikr. Even women in a state of nifas (postpartum period) and menstruation are not prohibited from constantly remembering Allah SWT. However, the peoples do not understand this essence. Therefore, in this study, the author will present the interpretation of dhikr verses and examine the benefits and virtues contained in these verses using the Ma’na cum Maghza approach. This research aims to provide an understanding of the virtues and benefits of dhikr. This study is a library research that takes data and information from various materials in the library, such as books, magazines, documents, notes, historical stories, and others. The method used is descriptive analysis, which describes matters related to dhikr and the Ma’na cum Maghza theory obtained from primary sources such as Tafsir al-Munir, Tafsir al-Qurtubi, Tafsir al-Misbah, as well as related books and literature. Then, an analysis is conducted on the dhikr verses that have been described, by interpreting the Qur'anic verses and explaining all aspects contained in them, such as the meaning of words, asbabun nuzul (reasons for revelation), according to the steps used in the Ma’na cum Maghza theory. At the end of the discussion, this study concludes that dhikr has many meanings and different purposes. Among them, there is the intention to remember Allah when the time for prayer arrives, to remember Allah by contemplating the nature and all forms of His creation, and the context of remembering Allah during prayer. With this theory, many ways of remembering Allah are found to increase our faith in Him and strengthen our Aqeedah and Tawheed in Allah SWT.</em></p>Nadiah Azizah Arisa Wijaya
Copyright (c) 2025 Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal
<p>Dalam memandang hadis Ibnu Umar yang mentalak istrinya ketika haid, berbeda dengan pandangan mayoritas ulama yang berpendapat talak tetap sah jika suami melakukan talak pada istri yang tengah haid, Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin berpendapat bahwa talak yang dilakukan suami pada kondisi tersebut tidaklah sah dan tidak terhitung sebagai talak. Ini dikarenakan talak saat haid tersebut tidaklah sejalan titah syariat. Mengenai hal itu, tulisan ini menganalisis pendapat Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin tentang talak yang dijatuhkan suami kepada istri yang tengah mengalami haid. Penulis juga akan menampilkan argumentasi hukum yang digunakan Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin untuk menguatkan pendapatnya. Penulis menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin berpandangan, suami yang mentalak istri yang sedang datang bulan tidak sesuai dengan syariat Islam dan ia berdosa karena melakukan hal terlarang. Tidak hanya itu, talak tersebut itu tidak sah. Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin menyebutkan sejumlah dalil disertai argumen dari Al-Quran dan sejumlah hadis yang memberikan keterangan akan adanya larangan talak di saat istri haid, dan dinilai tidak sah/berlaku karena talak di kesempatan tersebut tidak diajarkan Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam.</p>Yani Fahriansyah
Copyright (c) 2025 Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal
2025-02-072025-02-0771526610.55656/kisj.v7i1.267The Peak of Prophetic Civilization in The Time of The Rasulullah Saw
<p><em>A very honest confession from Michael H. Hart in his book entitled « The 100 : A Ranking Of The Most Influential Person in History” in this book he places the Prophet Muhammad SAW as the most influential human history. That is the truth, for us as Muslims we definitely believe that in a religious context the Prophet Muhammad was a very influential figure and had a very big name that could not be rivaled by anyone from various sectors. So on this occasion we try to describe how the peak of prophetic civilization was, especially during the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, at that time there was often a connection between heaven and earth through him, the idealism of all events also occurred on earth and it was at that time that the peak of prophetic civilization occurred. In this paper we use the library research method, and through descriptive-analytical analysis from several reference sources in this paper we will show the condition of Arab </em><em>society before the arrival of Islam, then in the Mecca period, and in the Medina period. In the end, we can find that in that period there was the best period, the most ideal period, and the </em><em>peak of prophetic civilization, so that in the future it would become an example for humans to achieve a good, prosperous and safe social life accompanied by faith in Allah SWT.</em></p>Wahyu AditiaMuhammad Damsir
Copyright (c) 2025 Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal
2025-02-072025-02-0771678810.55656/kisj.v7i1.266Peran Guru dan Pentingnya Menerapkan Karakter Jujur dan Disiplin di Sekolah
<p>Riset yang dilakukan berikan gambaran sehingga dapat mengidentifikasi dan menanamkan pendidikan karakter jujur dan disiplin pada siswa di sekolah dasar. Pendidikan karakter merupakan aspek penting dalam pembentukan kepribadian anak yang akan mempengaruhi perilaku dan sikap mereka di masa depan. Dalam riset ini yang digunakan ialah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus pada salah satu SD Negeri Sangkanurip. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam dengan guru kelas, serta dokumentasi terkait kegiatan pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru kelas menggunakan berbagai strategi untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai kejujuran dan disiplin, antara lain melalui pembiasaan harian, pemberian contoh nyata, penggunaan cerita moral, serta penguatan positif dan negatif. Pembiasaan harian dilakukan melalui kegiatan rutin seperti mengisi jurnal kejujuran dan mematuhi aturan kelas. Guru juga memberikan contoh nyata melalui sikap dan perilaku mereka sendiri yang konsisten menunjukkan tanggung jawab, memberikan contoh pada anak didik saat disekolah seperti kedisiplinan sehingga anak melihat kemudian akan mencontohkan dengan bertahap.</p> <p> </p>Khairunnisa Ulfadhilah
Copyright (c) 2025 Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal
2025-02-072025-02-0771899710.55656/kisj.v7i1.264Debt Behavior By Civil Servants (PNS) For Their Children Regarding The Implementation Of Walimah al-‘Ursy in Binawidya District Pekanbaru City From a Family Sociology Perspective
<p>The phenomenon of indebted behavior among Civil Servants (PNS) to finance their children's walimah al-‘ursy (wedding reception) is increasingly prevalent in Binawidya District, Pekanbaru City. Walimah al-‘ursy is often perceived as a symbol of social status, where families feel compelled to hold a luxurious event to maintain their honor and image in society. Social pressure, traditional demands, and environmental expectations influence family financial decision-making, including the decision to incur debt. Therefore, this study aims to identify the reasons, impacts, and analysis of indebted behavior by PNS within the context of family sociology. The main issue in this research is how social, cultural, and economic reasons and impacts drive PNS's indebted behavior in financing their children's walimah al-‘ursy, as well as how this behavior affects the financial stability of the family. This study employs field research with a qualitative approach. The research subjects consist of 15 PNS family couples who have financed their children's walimah al-‘ursy through debt. From this population, three couples were selected as the main respondents using snowball sampling and then purposive sampling. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The collected data were then analyzed descriptively using a conceptual framework from the perspective of family sociology. The research findings show that 100% of the respondents exhibit indebted behavior driven by social, cultural, and psychological factors. Social pressure from the surrounding environment and expectations from the extended family play a significant role in the decision to incur debt. Additionally, pride or the desire to maintain the family's image is a key reason why families choose to go into debt. However, this behavior has negative consequences on family financial conditions, especially regarding post-walimah economic stability. The burden of long-term debt becomes one of the main implications that families must bear, affecting daily financial management. From the perspective of family sociology, this behavior reflects the strong influence of social construction on the continuity and harmony of family life.</p>Habib ARahmanSofia HardaniMuhammad Darwis
Copyright (c) 2025 Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal
2025-02-072025-02-07719811910.55656/kisj.v7i1.346Studi Kualitatif tentang Dampak Dimensi Psikologis dan Spiritual dalam Puasa
<p>Puasa, sebuah praktik spiritual yang melibatkan penahanan diri dari makanan, minuman, dan kegiatan tertentu selama periode waktu tertentu, memiliki dampak signifikan tidak hanya pada kesehatan fisik tetapi juga pada kesejahteraan psikologis dan spiritual individu. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis manfaat psikologis dan spiritual dari puasa melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan peserta yang secara rutin menjalankan puasa, serta tinjauan literatur yang relevan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa puasa dapat meningkatkan kontrol diri, ketenangan batin, dan rasa syukur. Selain itu, puasa juga memperkuat kesadaran spiritual, memperdalam hubungan dengan Tuhan, dan memfasilitasi refleksi diri. Peserta melaporkan bahwa puasa membantu mengurangi stres dan kecemasan, meningkatkan kualitas tidur, dan mendorong perilaku positif seperti empati dan kedermawanan. Dari perspektif spiritual, puasa diakui sebagai cara untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan dan memperkaya pengalaman religius. Analisis ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya puasa sebagai praktik yang tidak hanya mempromosikan kesehatan fisik tetapi juga mendukung kesejahteraan psikologis dan spiritual. Studi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan yang lebih mendalam mengenai peran puasa dalam kehidupan manusia, serta menjadi dasar bagi penelitian lebih lanjut tentang manfaat holistik dari praktik keagamaan ini.</p>Aisyah ShofwatuAuliyaNadera SujatmaItsna NuzullaAini
Copyright (c) 2025 Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal
<p>UMKM merupakan pengelompokkan antara usaha mikro, usaha kecil dan usaha menengah. Usaha mikro adalah sebuah usaha yang memiliki keuntungan dari usahanya sebesar Rp. 300.000.000, dan memiliki aset atau kekayaan bersih minimal sebanyak Rp. 50.000.000. Dalam hal ini pelaku UMKM di kecamatan Karangampel memiliki kriteria pada tingkat usaha mikro yang merupakan bidang kuliner yaitu produk dodol dan keripik melinjo yang menjadi oleh-oleh khas Karangampel. Dodol Karangampel merupakan salah satu makanan ringan khas Indramayu yang berasal dari Karangampel. Dodol ini dibuat dari bahan-bahan pilihan seperti beras ketan, gula aren, santan dan garam. Dimasak dengan menggunakan bahan bakar kayu sehingga menambah rasa khasnya. Ada dua jenis Dodol Karangampel yaitu Dodol Enom dan Dodol Tua, Dodol Enom dengan tekstur lembek, dimasak dengan waktu empat jam. Sedangkan Dodol Tua dengan tekstur kenyal, dimasak dengan waktu tujuh sampai delapan jam.Keripik melinjo merupakan salah satu bahan makanan ringan, selain bernilai gizi tinggi juga memiliki cita rasa yang banyak disukai masyarakat. Keripik melinjo merupakan makanan istimewa dalam pola makanan rakyat Indonesia. Berdasarkan kualifikasi tersebut dan didukung dengan perajinan yang intensifying dapat menjamin ketersediaan emping tanpa dipengaruhi oleh waktu sehingga kebutuhan konsumen dapat terpenuhi setiap saat. Emping melinjo merupakan salah satu komoditi pengolahan hasil pertanian yang memiliki nilai tinggi, baik karena harga jual yang realtif tinggi maupun sebagai komoditi ekspor yang dapat mendatangkan devisa. Rendahnya produktifitas melinjo akibat dari budidaya usaha tani yang masih tradisional, sehingga berdampak rendahnya produksi dan tidak mampu mencukupi serta menjamin pasokan kebutuhan bahan baku. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan para pengusaha emping melinjo untuk mencukupi bahan baku mendatangkan dari luar kabupaten. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif yaitu, data yang mendekati dan mencirikan, serta dapat diamati dan dicatat. Tipe data ini bersifat non-numerik dan dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Jenis data ini penting dalam menentukan frekuensi sifat atau karakteristik tertentu yang memungkinkan ahli statistik membentuk parameter dimana kumpulan data yang lebih besar dapat diamati. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis SWOT yakni, <em>streangth</em> (kekuatan), <em>weakness</em> (kelemahan), <em>opportunities</em> (peluang) dan <em>threat</em> (ancaman). Teknik analisis SWOT memiliki kekuatan terbesar karena dapat menjalankan evaluasi secara lebih kontras secara sistematis tentang situasi organisasi maupun daerah. Hasil dari kesimpulan ini adalah menganalisis SWOT tentang produk dodol Maun dan keripik Melinjo di kecamatan Karangampel. Dalam analisis ini ditemukan beberapa strategi pengembangannya dengan cara, mempertahankan kualitas produk. Meningkatkan mutu produk untuk menarik pembeli. Meningkatkan promosi. Mengoptimalkan kegiatan produksi dengan alat-alat yang modern. Memperbarui alat-alat produksi. Memperbaiki sistem manajemen. Meningkatkan mobilitas pemasaran. Bekerjasama dengan toko-toko ataupun membuka kembali gerai pemasaran. Menyetok bahan baku produksi. Melakukan pembaruan riset pemasaran secara berkelanjutan. Bekerja sama dengan konsumen untuk menarik konsumen baru (menjastipkan). Memperkuat penggunaan media internet untuk menambah konsumen baru.</p> <p> </p>Nuni OktavianiRosanti Putri
Copyright (c) 2025 Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal
2025-02-072025-02-077113714810.55656/kisj.v7i1.211Aktualisasi Pencegahan Perkawinan Anak di Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Perspektif Sosiologi Keluarga
<p><em>This study discusses the actualization of preventing child marriage in Rokan Hulu Regency from the perspective of family sociology. The problem in this study is that child marriage is a form of violence against children and is a practice that violates the basic rights of children listed in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Children who marry under 19 years of age due to certain conditions have greater vulnerability in accessing education, health, and have great potential to experience violence and even divorce. In addition, they will have vulnerable access to basic needs, potentially perpetuating intergenerational poverty. The purpose of this study is to find out how the reality, causal factors, and to find out how the actualization of preventing child marriage in Rokan Hulu Regency from the perspective of family sociology.</em> <em>The results showed that the research method used was field research, starting from data collection: observation, interviews, documentation, both primary: Head of the Islamic Community Guidance Section, Head of the Religious Affairs Office, Islamic Religious Counselors, and the people of Rokan Hulu Regency as well as secondary ones: such as books, journals, research results, contemporary fiqh books and others that can support primary data.</em> <em>The results showed that in Rokan Hulu Regency, there are still many who do child marriage, even though the impact of child marriage for these two young couples is still seen as many negative things than positive things, including: such as depression, health, mental health of both partners, domestic violence, neglected children, divorce, and so on. There are many factors that cause child marriage, including economic factors, promiscuity, mass media, and so on. Efforts to anticipate the problem of child marriage are the role of the government, religious leaders and community organizations to socialize the marriage law. In addition, it can collaborate with the Health Office by providing socialization and health counseling about the impact of child marriage.</em></p>Ikhwan Ikhwan
Copyright (c) 2025 Khulasah : Islamic Studies Journal