Kusuma: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat https://ojs.staisdharma.ac.id/index.php/kjpkm <p><strong>Kusuma: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat</strong> (E-ISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20241205061153849">3089-2805</a>) is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by Institut Agama Islam Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Indramayu. It is at the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services. This journal publication aims to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in community services.</p> <p><strong>Kusuma: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat</strong> contains various activities from diverse groups of people in handling and managing the various potentials, obstacles, challenges and problems that exist in the society. Implementation of service activities also involves the participation of the community and partners. Service activities are organized into an activity aimed at improving the welfare of society.</p> LPPM IAI Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Segeran Indramayu en-US Kusuma: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 3089-2805 Empowering Tofu and Tempe Craftsmen to Improve Sustainable Local Economy in Lohbener Village, Lohbener District, Indramayu Regency https://ojs.staisdharma.ac.id/index.php/kjpkm/article/view/327 <p><em>This co</em> <em>mmunity service activity aims to increase the capacity of tofu and tempeh craftsmen in order to improve their economic welfare in a sustainable manner. This program includes business management training, product diversification, marketing strategy development, and production waste management</em><em>. </em><em>The methods used include socialization, direct mentoring, and evaluation of activity results. The results obtained show an increase in the knowledge and skills of craftsmen in business management, increased income,</em><em> as well as efforts to manage waste that is more environmentally friendly. </em></p> Casriyanti casri Copyright (c) 2024 Kusuma: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 1 1 1 8 10.55656/kjpkm.v1i1.327 The Role of Students in Religious Development in Society https://ojs.staisdharma.ac.id/index.php/kjpkm/article/view/328 <p><em>Community service activities by lecturers and students of IAI Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Segeran Indramayu were carried out in Rancajawat Village, Tukdana District, Indramayu Regency, for 43 days, starting from January 15 to February 26, 2024, as part of the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program. This activity focuses on religious development with the aim of increasing understanding, awareness, and practice of Islamic values </em><em>​​</em><em>in the community. Various activities are carried out in strategic locations such as residents' homes, prayer rooms, mosques, schools, and KKN posts. Personal religious guidance is carried out in residents' homes, while activities in prayer rooms and mosques include training in reading the Qur'an, religious studies, lectures, and worship training. At school, students provide religious training aimed at forming Islamic character in students. The KKN post functions as a center for coordinating activities and discussions to design programs according to community needs. This program is expected to be able to strengthen Islamic values, strengthen relations between universities and the community, and create a sustainable positive impact on the social and spiritual lives of the residents of Rancajawat Village. </em></p> Frenky Mubarok Copyright (c) 2024 Kusuma: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 1 1 9 16 10.55656/kjpkm.v1i1.328 The Role of Students in Developing Education in the Community https://ojs.staisdharma.ac.id/index.php/kjpkm/article/view/329 <p>The community service program conducted by lecturers and students of IAI Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Segeran Indramayu in Karanggetas Village, Bangodua Subdistrict, Indramayu Regency, lasted for 43 days, from January 15 to February 26, 2023. This program aimed to enhance the quality of education and strengthen the community's social and religious values through various activities held in prayer rooms, mosques, schools, madrasahs, and the KKN (Community Service Program) post. Activities included tutoring, skill training, regular religious studies, and character development. Through a collaborative approach, the service not only had a positive impact on improving education quality but also encouraged active community involvement in social and religious development. This program is expected to raise awareness about the importance of education and foster a more independent, religious, and resilient generation ready to face future challenges.</p> Muasromatul Azizah Copyright (c) 2024 Kusuma: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 1 1 17 23 10.55656/kjpkm.v1i1.329 Preservation of Yasinan and Marhabanan Traditions as a Form of Religious Moderation in KKN Activities https://ojs.staisdharma.ac.id/index.php/kjpkm/article/view/331 <p><em>The tradition of Tahlilan, Yasinan, and Marhabanan held on Friday night in Tegalgirang Village is a form of integration between Islamic teachings and local culture. These activities not only function as a means of worship, but also have important social and cultural values. The resulting virtues include: (1) strengthening friendship between residents through social interaction in the mushalla, (2) implementing the value of alms with the tradition of food banquets, and (3) prospering the mushalla as a center of culture and community education. This tradition is an effective medium in maintaining environmental harmony and strengthening Islamic noble values in the community.&nbsp; </em></p> Fatimatuz Zahra Copyright (c) 2024 Kusuma: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 1 1 24 30 10.55656/kjpkm.v1i1.331 Implementation of Student Community Service Program to Instill Nationalism in the Young Generation https://ojs.staisdharma.ac.id/index.php/kjpkm/article/view/335 <p>Community service is a strategic effort to instill nationalistic values in the younger generation, particularly among elementary school students. This initiative is carried out by students of IAI Pangeran Dharma Kusuma Indramayu through three main programs: flag ceremony training, scouting activities, and school library management. The flag ceremony training aims to foster discipline, responsibility, and respect for national symbols. Scouting activities focus on developing leadership, independence, and teamwork skills rooted in national values. Meanwhile, library management enhances students' access to national literature, strengthening their understanding of the nation's history and struggles. The results of these activities show a significant increase in students' awareness of the importance of nationalism, reflected in their daily behavior at school. Thus, this community service serves as a concrete step in shaping a young generation that is patriotic and nationalistic.</p> Suci Muzfirah Wandi Wandi Copyright (c) 2024 Kusuma: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 1 1 30 39 10.55656/kjpkm.v1i1.335