Focus and Scope
WJP is medium to publish research results which focus to thought study or empirical research of Primary Education in Elementary Schools / Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Teacher Education for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, and Teacher Education for Elementary School. WJP (Wulang Pendidikan Guru Madarasah Ibtidaiyah) covers issues such as Analysis of student's competency, dovelopment, and character; Approach/model/strategy/method/media of learning; Conceptual ideas, theory, and practice of Primary Education; Learning Technology and Innovation; and the professionalisme of teacher/lecturer
Peer Review Process
Articles published in WJP will be firstly reviewed by Bebestari Partners qualified experts in their competence. After being reviewed by Mitra Bebestari, the article is returned to the author to be corrected (if any). Then, the articles are discussed in a meeting attended by Bebestari Partners (representative) and the Editorial Board to determine ACCEPT or REJECT. The decision becomes the right of the Editorial Board by considering the recommendation of Mitra Bebestari.
Publication Frequency
This journal is published twice per year in June and December edition.
Open Access Policy
WJP is a scientific journal which can be accessed quickly and freely (open sources) and full (full text) without any APCs (Article Processing Charges) and can be downloaded via